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It can be really difficult to save money. Especially when everything just keep getting more expensive.
This is an all inclusive, comprehensive list of things to STOP buying. When we’re on a budget (find my FREE budget template here) and have a low income we need to focus on what’s truly important.
Start saving more by spending less on the things that aren’t truly needed.
Hopefully this list gives you some ideas of things you can stop buying; and gives you some creative ways you could be saving even more! Cut these expenses from your budget!
Before we get into it, something you should consider buying… This awesome Wealth Planner!! (This is my personal budget and expense tracker). Onto the post!

Table of Contents
Stop Spending on: Haircuts
Originally, I was TERRIFIED to cut my own hair. However, when everything shut down in 2020, it was the perfect opportunity to experiment without having to see anyone for an extended period of time.
I realized I can easily cut my own hair and actually like how it looks.
Sure there might be some trial and error at first. But cutting your own hair can be a great way to save a couple hundred dollars a year.
Stop Buying: Trendy Clothes
Keeping up with all the latest fashions seems more like a chore at this point (for me). I find it better to stick with what you like.
Don’t buy something that might go out of style in a couple months. Odds are you’ll wear it once and regret your purchase later.
Have you ever looked into your closet and seen something you purchased years ago and NEVER WORE? Me too…
Stop Buying: Name Brand Items
Name brand items are popular and well known because they spend millions of dollars on advertising. However, name brand does not mean better quality.
You most likely can find a similar or better product for significantly cheaper if you avoid the big well known names.
Stop Buying: New Makeup Products / Excess Beauty Products
It can be pretty fun to try out a new mascara or blush. However, you could be saving a lot of money if you weren’t spending $30 – $50 dollars on one new product that you already own 3 other versions of.
Buy new products when you need them.
Stop Spending on: Manicures
It’s definitely ok to have a self-care day and treat yourself every once in a while. However if getting a manicure is part of your weekly or monthly routine, that’s a lot of cash money to spend.
I’m not saying don’t do your nails. But I can guarantee there is a cheaper alternative.
Stop Buying: Prepackaged Food
With prepackaged food, you are paying for convenience. If you take a little extra time to make food yourself, at home, you could be saving a lot of money.
However, if prepackaged food is your go to instead of eating out, that’s a step in the right direction.
Stop Buying: Pre-Cut Fruits
We’re just getting lazy with this one. We are all capable of cutting our own fruit!
Stop Buying: Coffee / Tea
I used to go on a coffee run every morning with my coworkers. That means everyday I was spending between $3 to $6 per day. That can come out to over $1,000 a year!!
What would you do with an additional $1,000 a year?
Additionally, I recently made a chai latte at home, and it was DELICIOUS! Just because it’s at home doesn’t mean it won’t be incredibly tasty.
Stop Buying: Salad Dressing
Salad dressing can get pretty expensive but is actually very easy to make at home!
Stop Buying: Premade Seasoning Mixes
Odds are you already have all the seasonings you need to make whatever mix you want. So doing a quick google search to make your own seasoning mix is a great, easy way to save money.
Stop Buying: Knick-knacks
How many times have you purchased something and then completely forgotten about it, only to throw it away later on?
Avoid buying knick-knacks altogether. You don’t need them, you won’t use them.
Stop Buying: Jewelry/Accessories
Once you have a few good pieces there is no need for more. Even if you have 10 pairs of earrings, odds are you wear the same two 90% of the time.
I’ve found that a lot of families also gift jewelry, so purchasing it on my own is unnecessary.
Stop Buying: Disposable Plates
If you’re buying disposable plates for family events or parties you can easily find a cheaper set of plates that you don’t mind breaking. Simply reuse those for these events!
Stop Spending On: Unused Memberships / Subscriptions
I am also guilty of subscribing to a fitness app thinking I would use it. You’re never going to use it.
Save yourself some money and cancel the memberships you aren’t using on a weekly basis.
Stop Spending On: Cable
With so many streaming services, cable tv is very unnecessary now!
Netflix, Youtube TV, Hulu, HBO, Disney Plus, Amazon Video. Odds are you have one or more of these and you use it wayyyy more than cable.
Stop Buying: Soda
For health reasons and money reasons skipping out on your daily soda can will only benefit you.
Stop Buying: Magazines / Books
The internet gives us access to so many incredible free resources we can use for FREE. Like this blog for example 😉
If you’re a big reader try finding a local library or book exchange group on facebook!
Stop Buying: Ice
Unless you need an insane amount of ice, you can make it at home.
Stop Buying: Plastic Water Bottles
Not only are plastic water bottles bad for the environment, they can also get very expensive. If you’re drinking the recommended 64 ounces of water everyday; you are consuming A LOT of water bottles.
Save a good chunk of money by purchasing a filter for your home.
Stop Buying: Perfume
I’ve never been into perfume or powerful scents. I’ve found that just using soap and maybe a fruity shampoo is enough to smell delicious!
Stop Buying: Seasonal Décor
Once you’ve purchased seasonable decor once, there is no need to go and buy more or replace everything every year.
Use what you already have or get crafty and find a creative way to make something new.
Stop Buying: Dryer Sheets
You can get a fantastic, sustainable alternative to dryer sheets, wool dryer balls. These are reusable and work just the same (if not better) than your traditional dryer sheets.
Stop Spending On: Extra Storage
If you are paying for extra storage, GET RID OF IT.
When was the last time you used (or looked at) something that was packed away at your storage facility?
If you haven’t used those items in storage for so long, do you really need them? Ask yourself why you’re holding onto those things and only keep what you truly need.
Stop Spending On: New Hobby Equipment
It’s very easy to get carried away when you’re excited about your new hobby. Make sure you really enjoy and can stick to this new hobby of yours before investing in the best quality products for it.
Stop Buying: The Newest Technology
When a new phone or laptop comes out, there is so much hype around it. Which explains why they cost so much!
If you can even wait a couple months, the prices will go down. You’ll get the same product for less because you were patient.
Final Thoughts
That is my big list of 25 things to stop buying to save money!
My general rule of thumb when purchasing new items is: does it serve a purpose?
I try to only purchase things I need and will use for a long time. There have been way too many items of clothing I never wore (tag still on). These purchases not only were not making me happy, they cost a lot of money!
Try to evaluate your purchase and ask yourself if you really need it. Stop buying things you don’t actually need and be intentional with your spending!
What have you stopped buying?
Send me an email or write a comment below!
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