Do you feel like your paychecks just keep disappearing?

Welcome to Saving with Sofi.
I’m here to help you finally get in control of your finances, so you can live the life you want to live today, without worrying about tomorrow.
I used to feel overwhelmed and constantly stressed that I wasn’t preparing enough for retirement, even though I had just graduated! I would feel guilty about traveling or spending because “I could have invested it”.
However, it IS possible to enjoy your life and be prepared for the future.
Whether you want awesome budget templates, tips for how to save money or budget travel hacks, the purpose of this blog is to decrease your stress.
I want to help you build a healthy relationship with money so you don’t feel overwhelmed about your finances anymore.
Let’s start your financial journey, the right way.
I’m Sofi, I love budgeting and finding new, creative ways to save money.
Let me help you build a healthy relationship with money. So you can start creating ATTAINABLE financial goals and building your wealth.
I want all the budget tips and tricks – budget basics.
A budget is creating a plan so you can set feasible, attainable financial goals that will allow you to live the life you want to live today, while being prepared for tomorrow.
I want budget templates for google sheets (and/or excel).
You can either shop all budget templates for google sheets from The Budget Empire. OR sign up for my email list to get FREE access into my resource library!
I want to learn how to save more money and spend less of it.
There are many different ways to save more money and cut some spending. You can start doing them TODAY. Get all my tricks and tips for how to save money!
I want to travel the world without sacrificing my savings.
EVERYONE should be able to travel no matter what their income is. You (yes you!) can afford to travel. Let me show you how a budget can help you see the world!
A little about me.
Hi there, I’m Sofi!
I decided to start this blog to share my financial journey and everything I’ve learned about budgeting, saving money and affording to travel along the way.
Soon after graduating college I moved away from home to the Bay Area for an accounting job. I thought I had taken all the right steps in my career, but after a few questionable monetary decisions on my part, I kept finding all my paychecks disappearing.
As someone who overthinks fairly easily (or extremely easily), I very quickly started worrying I wasn’t saving enough and wasn’t preparing myself for the future.
I wanted to be able to travel and live a fulfilling life without compromising saving for retirement and being prepared for emergencies. But I didn’t know how that was possible when everything seemed so expensive.
Determined to not settle, I started reading everything I could about personal finance, saving money, tracking expenses, budgeting and becoming truly financially independent.
I started realizing how easily we spend money. How encouraged we are to buy new products with the hopes the shiny new toy would bring us happiness.
I don’t have all the answers, but after reevaluating my priorities and making some lifestyle changes I feel way less overwhelmed.
I travel, often, and have the experiences I want to have while still having a fully stocked emergency fund, maxing out my Roth IRA every year, contributing to my 401(k) and individual trading account AND saving for a down payment.
This isn’t because I’m rich or have a six figure salary. It’s because I’ve realized what is important to me. I hope to help you figure out what is important for YOU too.
Let’s get rich together! 😉

Please note this is a blog where I talk about my personal experience, what I’ve learned and what has worked for me. All opinions are mine. This blog is NOT professional advice and is for entertainment purposes only. Consult an independent financial advisor or CPA for specific advice about your situation.